Craig J. Hansen

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Single Release: Walking on a Thin Line

I suppose this is a blues song. I wanted a certain feel, with the organ and bass guitar driving the beat, along with the drums. The song is about the small differences, the small decisions, between what we might view as success or what we might see as failure. The song is available on all…

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Single Release: Stuck in a No Man’s Land

I wanted to do a blues song with a slower feel to it. This is actually a lot more difficult to get the rhythm section in sync. The song is about feeling alienated, like an outsider. The lyrics have a geographical bent, but to me the song has broader reach. I had fun doing the…

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Single Release: Ends

This song was a lot of fun to do, but took a long time for me to get the drums in as good a shape as I could. The song is about two people in different places in the same relationship. Maybe this is always true? Anyway, I like the heavy feel of this and…

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Single Release: With Every Day

Another song from me about loss, or at least potential loss. This one came about when a close friend of mine received a cancer diagnosis. I have lost a couple of friends to cancer. It always brings to mind that empty space that was once their life can never be filled. The world goes on, of course, but their absence seems…

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Single Release: Every Moment

I can only do so many songs before I need to return to the blues, or in this case, sort of rocked up blues. This song is about no matter how many experiences we have or how many times we see something, it’s still a new experience and it introduces something new every time. To…

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Single Release: For Tomorrow

While I have been an active musician my entire life, music has not always been on the front burner. I made a choice long ago to pursue a career, raise a family, and all that sort of thing, while still performing and recording. Now, I spend a good part of each day completely focused on…

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Single Release: Walk at Night

This instrumental tries to convey the experience of walking at night in the dark. I wanted to get that slightly hurried step, the sounds you might be straining to hear, and just the partly scary, partly stimulating side of the experience. For blind people, this is every walk. The song is available on all streaming…

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Single Release: The Fear

A friend told me about a relative who was essentially addicted to watching a certain news network. This network conveys a world of violence, conspiracies, and spreads general misinformation. This person became clinically anxious and depressed, needing therapy but not doing well. So this song is about that phenomenon, how people spread fear and suspicion…

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Single Release: Saginaw Mine

I like writing songs about historical events and places, particularly around where I live in Minnesota. Way out in Lake Superior stands Isle Royale, now a national park. Native people mined copper there since 3000 BCE. Much more recently, white settlers created mines, one of them being the Saginaw mine. It did not last long,…

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Single Release: The Raft

I wrote this song about a real experience. A friend and I, when we were teens, took a rubber raft to a swollen stream after a huge thunderstorm. We could float through this pretty well, but it joined a much bigger stream or small river, and we could not control the raft. We managed to bail…

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