Craig J. Hansen

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Single Release: Here We Are

Playing in bars for years has given me the opportunity to make a few observations. While there is certainly a lot of variety, you can’t help but notice the guys who hang around till the bar closes, hoping to make a new friend. Some of them are a little scary, and some of them are…

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Single Release: Kind of Hell

Sometimes I just can’t help writing songs about current events, particularly those that bother me the most. These days, it seems I have a lot to choose from. Anyway, we have all been watching this opioid epidemic unfold for decades now and the accountability falls far short, at least in my mind, of what might…

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Single Release: The Only One

The Only One is an optimistic blues song, if there is such a thing. I’ve resonated with blues music since I first picked up a guitar as a kid, but only played in one band that was devoted to blues. That was one of my favorite band experiences. I wrote this song as a lot…

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Single Release: When I Tried to Forget Her

This is one of those bittersweet lost love songs. It’s based on a particular experience, but I hope that others can identify with the feel of this song. The song is available on all streaming services, and if you do not have a music service, you can access the song on YouTube: If you…

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Single Release: At Dusk

I’ve noticed that on clear evenings, especially in fall or winter, that just before it goes completely dark, the sky has a deep, bottomless blue that merges with the dark. I think that is sunlight from over the horizon lighting up the late dusk sky. I’ve seen this captured in a couple of paintings but…

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Single Release: Hard to Go Back Home

It seems like I spent too much time this past winter in the van traveling north to south or south to north. And it seemed that every trip had a major weather event obstruction. On the other hand, there’s nothing like a road trip in bad weather to make you appreciate the time when you…

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Single Release: Garden

I wrote this song to express my concern about those who are misled by autocrats. It seems to be so easy, and so unfortunate, that some people are easily attracted toward fear and separation. It’s easier to be angry than curious. And it’s easier to be condemning than accepting. Maybe it’s human nature, and if…

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Single Release: On the Ground

While I like a lot of different kinds of music from a variety of decades, I’ve always enjoyed Deep Purple, with their mix of roaring keyboard and top-notch guitar. This song, On the Ground, is a bit inspired by their sound. The lyrics, however, are entirely me. It’s a person saying “I am here.“ The…

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Single Release: The Things You Keep

This blues song is about when a friend or a relative or anyone close to you does something stupid. And then you decide that it is not worth losing the relationship, so you go on. You continue despite the loss and probably never reveal how you really felt. The song is available on all streaming…

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Single Release: Lusitania

I wrote this song to try to capture a little bit of the tragedy of the Lusitania. I read a book about it a few years ago and I’ve always thought it might be a good subject for a song, but had not really figured out how to approach it. Easiest way for me is…

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