Craig J. Hansen

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Single Release: Running From My Own

This song is a retro country ballad. I’m not sure why I did it, but it seems appropriate for the subject matter. I was writing about a guy who has been estranged from his kids for a long time. In fact, he ran away from home while quite young and has never stayed anywhere very…

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Single Release: Silent Room

This song is a kind of retro rocker, with a more serious thing in the lyrics. It’s about a low place in a relationship, but with some hope for something better. The song is available on all streaming services, and if you do not have a music service, you can access the song on YouTube:…

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Single Release: Prairie Farm

Something I’ve always wanted to do, but probably never will, is buy some land and restore it. Ideally, this would be an old farm with worn out dirt and not much good about it. Then I would convert that land back to real midwest prairie, with all of its flowers, birds, insects, and the prairies’…

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Single Release: Apart

This song is about a stable, long-term relationship. Sounds like it would be a boring topic for a song! But still, any relationship is made up of individuals. So this song is about how the history of relationship varies depending on who you ask. Even though the people in the relationship have experienced it together,…

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Single Release: Ocean

I wrote this song after a trip to California where I spent time sitting next to the somewhat daunting Pacific. I was in Northern California, where the temperature was cool, the sun was strong, and the waves were impressive. I’ve been at the ocean many times and, ever since I was a kid, it has…

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Single Release: The Iceman

In September 1991, high in the Alps, hikers discovered a body. At first they thought it was a modern murder victim, but further analysis showed that it was the mummy of a man who perished around 5000 years ago. He was in remarkable preservation and his body had begun to emerge from a glacier when…

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Single Release: Losing You

This is a pretty straight forward blues song, and with a male singer, might be a “woman done me wrong” kind of tune. But I see it a little differently. The “you“ in this song might be a lover, might be a family member, it might even be a dog. Or it might be eyesight,…

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Single Release: Emily

This song is about Emily Dickinson, the 19th century American poet. In many ways, she was a secret poet and her verses are deceptively accessible on the outside, but thorny and insightful on the inside. I wrote this song quite a while ago. A couple of bands that I was in performed the song. I…

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Single Release: Requiem for the Forgotten

This is a somber, reflective song, written in a mostly classical style. It has three distinct parts. It’s nothing new to think about things that pass or things that go undone, but I wanted to combine those kinds of ideas with music to support them. This is to perhaps invite others to reflect or just…

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Single Release: The Thing You Like Most

I wrote this song after reading, some time ago, an article about a Harley biker who used a kit to construct a trike. He did this after becoming disabled. I’ve since learned that there are a number of kits available and custom shops who do this, and that it gives disabled cycle riders a new…

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