I was out at Guide Dogs For The Blind in San Raphael, California, to train with my new guide. After going for some months with no guide dog and using my white cane, where I most resemble a drunk with a weed whacker, getting back behind a guide dog was a liberating experience. This song…
This song is about alienation. It’s about seeing the negative events of the world and choosing how to react. There is, for many, a strong temptation to pull away, to remove oneself from the events and any action. That’s becoming a ghost. I understand this feeling, but also think it’s not the best strategy in…
I wanted to do a blues song with a slower feel to it. This is actually a lot more difficult to get the rhythm section in sync. The song is about feeling alienated, like an outsider. The lyrics have a geographical bent, but to me the song has broader reach. I had fun doing the…
Another song from me about loss, or at least potential loss. This one came about when a close friend of mine received a cancer diagnosis. I have lost a couple of friends to cancer. It always brings to mind that empty space that was once their life can never be filled. The world goes on, of course, but their absence seems…