Andre, Schade, CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
In September 1991, high in the Alps, hikers discovered a body. At first they thought it was a modern murder victim, but further analysis showed that it was the mummy of a man who perished around 5000 years ago. He was in remarkable preservation and his body had begun to emerge from a glacier when he was discovered. He also had quite a few possessions with him, including a copper ax, a fire lighting kit, and a quiver with arrows. He had been shot in the back with an arrow.
I have always found this discovery to be intriguing. So, I have two treatments of the same song about the iceman. The first has a kind of medieval vibe and fits more into a traditional, folk genre. The second, The Iceman Revisited, is more in the folk metal style and this was particularly fun to create and record.
The songs are available on all streaming services, and if you do not have a music service, you can access them on YouTube.
The Ice Man: https://youtu.be/LmK5uZs2DLI
The Ice Man Revisited: https://youtu.be/9rs0u_ZRziA
If you would like to check out the lyrics: http://craigjhansen.com/the-iceman/