This song combines a couple of experiences. When I was young (well, a teenager), I went for long walks. This was just to get out of the house. We lived at the edge of town, so these walks took me on country roads, roads that ran through cornfields and passed scattered farms. A little later in life, when I was a carpet layer, we were installing carpet in a nice house, a parsonage actually. The family’s daughter, who was about my age, had just come home from a fancy college. She sat in a chair and stared at me the whole time I was installing carpet. We never exchanged a word. Her parents encouraged her to move to a different room, but she did not. I’ve never forgotten that.
The song is available on all streaming services, and if you do not have a music service, you can access the song on YouTube: https://youtu.be/9QVGaqL1u1c
If you would like to check out the lyrics: http://craigjhansen.com/a-dusty-road/